As an avid supporter of the fashion industry, there is nothing I detest more than fake designer goods.
From the design studio, to the catwalk, to the shop floor, we who work in fashion know the time, effort and thought process that goes into producing beautifully crafted clothing and accessories that are so special, and it is this care and attention to detail that warrants the price tag.
I understand that we live in an age of fashion for the masses, and I have no problem with high street retailers stocking goods which are catwalk inspired, that is after all how the cycle of fashion works, but when I read about a huge shipment of fake Louboutins being seized by customs in Los Angeles 'The total retail value is estimated to be of £11.5 million ($18 million)' as quoted in Vogue, I was more than a bit vexed.
The shoes were destined for one of the many 'fashion' websites that sell fake designer goods. They had been shipped from China, and having been there last year and seen the fakes of every designer you can think of, on a grand scale, I can tell you that I felt nothing but turned off by the whole thing.
I and many others like me would love to own a classic Chanel handbag or a pair of Louboutains, but I would want to know that I had earned them and that they were the real deal, not some cheap knock off that in the end can be anything but a disappointment.
What do you think about fake designer goods? We would love to know your opinion.
On a lighter note, as we know you, our online followers love to shop, we would like to remind you that we will be open on Sunday 19th Aug. This is a great chance to view our amazing new season collections.